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Upper Canada Village – Alight at Night

A few nights ago we went to Upper Canada Village near Morrisburg, Ontario for their annual Alight at Night display. Upper Canada Village is a heritage park that is basically a village set in the 1860s. There are many buildings in the village and it’s a great place to visit. In the summer, the village has actors who play out various roles.

In December and early January, the entire village is lit up with LED Christmas lights for the Alight at Night display. I tried taking a few pictures this year but only the following two really turned out. (Hehe, the new camera is fantastic at night shots but I didn’t have a tripod and with a 25lbs squirming toddler strapped to your back, getting a still photo can be tricky.)

Here is a picture of the School House:

The School House at Upper Canada Village
The School House at Upper Canada Village

And here is a picture of the Physician’s House:

The Physician's House at Upper Canada Village
The Physician's House at Upper Canada Village

After seeing all of those LED Christmas lights, it’s got me thinking that I have a lot of planning to do for next year, and a lot more Noma LED Christmas lights to buy! :)

1 thought on “Upper Canada Village – Alight at Night”

  1. Pingback: Burned out Noma LED Christmas lights »

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